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Rebellion Sniper Elite Design Test

RebellionTest Map Final.jpg

During my time at university I was approached by Rebellion studios and asked to do a design test, this wasn't for anything major it was mostly just to give me a level design test which I highly appreciated.

The level is set at one of the most infamous castles in history, Wewelsburg castle aka Black Camelot.


I had a tremendous amount of fun doing this test and it really gave me an eye opening experience designing a level for Sniper Elite 4!

Below you can find the link to my design document for the test, whereas I cannot give specific details on the brief itself, I can say it was a wonderful chance to improve my level design skills and I'd happily do something similar again. 


You can view the whole document and my thought process from start to finish in the document link above!


Finally, below you can also view the very early blockout I made for this level.

During the design test my original thought process was to make the 2D paper design, drop it into UE4 and make a blockout.

The reasoning behind this was because it would be easier to explain vantage points, line of sight and level loading if it was represented in 3D, unfortunately I just didn't have the time so I resorted back to making the design in Photoshop and explaining it as best as I could through the documents provided.


Early blockout idea for the level

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